Cubes kukuba in Props - Product Class - PartyStuff

Cubes kukuba | product class

product type: kukuba special
product group: kukuba
product family: Tambola Housie
Multiple grid boxes are present (generally 4) at 4 corners and 1 center grid. Corner grids are 3x3 grids and center grid as 4x4 (generally). 5 Numbers are present in each of the 4 corners grids in X fashion. Center grid is empty. Host calls out a number. If this number is present on corner cells of a player's card then player strike it off and write it in any of the empty border cell of center grid. If it is present on middle cell of corner grids then player strike it off and write it in any of the empty middle cells of center grid.

Prizes are based on completion of center grid. There are 4 rows, 4 columns, outer ring, center/middle 4 cells.

Prizes can also be included based on corner grids.
Items in Cubes kukuba
this page
code: pcl217