Kenu kukuba in Props - Product Class - PartyStuff

Kenu kukuba | product class

product type: kukuba classic
product group: kukuba
product family: Tambola Housie
Kukuba Minimum is based on the smallest number on your card. This would be present in the first column of card and will be between 1-9. Take the smallest number from this column and this number is called kenu. Kenu plays the role in this format of kukuba. Here, Kenu is present in A1 and it is 1. Kenu will be different for players and same for some. For 9, numbers 80-90 are applicable.

There could be various ways in which kenu can be used.

Ignore: Ignore the numbers starting with the Kenu. Each player will ignore all the numbers starting with this Kenu. In this card, 12 and 18 can be ignored.
Strike: When a number is announced and it happens to be a Kenu for a player then he can strike all the numbers starting with this Kenu number as well along with Kenu. Here, 12 and 18 can be striked as well along with 1. Further, either of the 2 rules can be applier here. A general rules is that player can claim a winning whatever he is winning now after striking the kenu and related numbers. In another rules can numbers can only be striked but prize cannot be claimed. E.g. when 1 is announced 12 and 18 can be striked and if player is winning something lets say he is winning on row 2 completing with 12 then he may not claim a prize at this time but when actual 12 is called then he can claim. Recommended rule is that if player is winning a house then he should not claim a win at this time but when either 12 or 18 i.e. any of these is called.
To give an example in detail, let us say:
1st case: if only 1, 12 and 18 are left. If 1 is called, player can strike 1, 12 and 18 i.e. all three. But now cannot claim the full house. As soon as 12 or 18 is called at any time then he can claim full house. He need not wait for both 12 and 18 to be called, any one number will do.
Case 2: If 1, 12 and 24 are left and 1 is called out, then player can strike 1 and 12 both. And as soon as when 24 is called he can claim full house as 12 is already striked out.
Taking case 3: say 1, 12, 18 and 24 are left. If 1 is called, player can strike 1, 12 and 18. Then when 24 is called, then he can strike out 24 and claim a house at this time as 12 and 18 have been striked out already.
The rule is simple, you can considered the numbers as striked but cannot claim at that moment but later.
Items in Kenu kukuba
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code: pcl304