Alphabet Points | Mind Games | Paper Games | Arabian Designs
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theme: Arabian, Paper Games, product type: Mind Games, product class: Alphabet Points

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Arabian Nights Alphabet Points | Printed list1915_1 Printed Paper Games
₹120 for 8 cards
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For each Alphabet from A to Z, player has to write/provide numbers from 1 to 26 to each alphabet randomly. Sheets are exchanged after players write the numbers. Host tells the message secret. Players write the secret message in space provided. Players check sheets and provides numbers for each alphabet based on what numbers has given by Player A. A total of number is done. Player with maximum (and minimum) total number wins. Other prizes could be included based on certain magic number.
e.g. Player A has given 2 to A, 8 to B, 5 to C and so on. Player B checks Player A's sheet. Secret Message is Magic. Player B writes 2 for A, 5 for C, and similarly for M, G, I based on what Player A has written for those alphabets. A total is done.
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