Classic Colour Shade Box Printed Tambola Housie | design
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Classic Colour Shade Box list2751_1 Printed Tambola Housie

Classic Colour Shade Box | Printed

₹120 for 24 cards
Black White grey scale colour shade grid.
Classic tambola housie cards with multi color shade boxes. Numbers are placed in these boxes as rectangular grid. Classic housie has rectangular grid with numbers in rectangle cells. Shade grid shaped cue boxes are here to make it interesting again if you are bored with monotonous regular classic cards.
24 cards

36 cards

72 cards

120 cards
size idea: 12 on A4
color: Black
shape: Rectangle
material: White Thin Paper
pack type: Regular
pack set: 1
pack unit: 1
format: Printed
custom type:
condition: New
handmade: No
country of origin: India
buy online
min order qty: 24
class: Classic Tambola
Most popular form of Tambola. Tickets are grouped as a set of 6 tickets where all numbers from 1-90 appear at least once across set of 6 tickets.
type: Tambola Tickets
These are randomly generated tambola tickets. Tickets doesn't depend on other tickets unlike in Classic Tambola Tickets where 6 tickets are grouped together.
group: Tambola
These are unique tambola tickets. Classic tambola cards based on design. Cool tambola tickets for kitty party, clubs, occassions and other events.
family: Tambola Housie
Tambola Housie, Bingo, kukuba, lotto is a game of chance generally number based game where players have to strike out numbers present on their cards which are called randomly by a caller. Numbers are from 1 to 90 with 15 numbers present on each card in 9x3 grid. Kukuba is an item strike based paper game where host announces a number, name, displays image, gives hint or ask question and players have to identify and strike them on their cards. It is similar in concept to other popular games like Tambola Housie and Bingo but differs with them by having more variety in form of grid size, total numbers, names, images, question answer, designer, theme based etc. There are many variants for kukuba like classic kukuba, joker kukuba, double kukuba, duplicate kukuba, pingu, tagyab, crossword kukuba, word search kukuba etc.
theme: Classic
frequently asked questions
For code list2751_1 tambola housie cards do I get unique tickets?

Yes, cards with unqiue combination are available.

Can I get tambola housie cards in bulk for code list2751_1?

Yes, depending on design bulk quantity is available.

Is there some bulk pricing available for tambola housie cards for code list2751_1?

Yes, average price in bulk quantity is lower.

Can design list2751_1 be personalised with my name?

Personlised option is generally available dependnig on space on card. There are additional charges.

Is customisation possible for design list2751_1?

You can check with us for customisation. There are additional charges.

In case I need more cards of Classic Colour Shade Box design can they be available?

You can check with us for more unique cards. You have to share details on which Card/Ticket ids you already have.

What is shape of printed tambola-housie for design list2751_1?

Shape is generally rectangle. If any shape cutting is required it has to be done by buyer.

Is item returnable?

No, the item is non-returnable.

general info
design suite
Classic Colour Shade Box
suite: list2751
category: Kitty Party
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note: please check ticket/card size before ordering. Sizes are indicative only. Number of tickets/cards in a set/pack may be less and could be due to printing/cutting/other issues. Free cards may or may not be available, may have been discontinued. Some items might not be available any more, may have been discontinued, may be out of stock. To be used for personal use only.
note: please check and confirm price, details before ordering. Prices are indicative only. Details are indicative only. Shipping and taxes extra. Item weight approximate. Package weight extra.