Power Puff Girls guess missing word Printed Paper Games | design
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Power Puff Girls guess missing word list5650_1 Printed Paper Games

Power Puff Girls guess missing word | Printed

₹120 for 12 cards
12 cards

18 cards

36 cards
size: 6 x 5.6 Inches
size idea: 6 on 13x19 Card Paper
color: Multicolor
shape: Rectangle
material: Card Paper
pack type: Regular
pack set: 1
pack unit: 1
format: Printed
custom type:
condition: New
handmade: No
country of origin: India
buy online
min order qty: 12
class: Word Guess Missing Numbers
Jumbled numbers are present (mostly from 1 to 26). Some of the numbers from the range are missing. Numbers are mapped to alphabets like 1 is A, 2 is B, 26 is Z. Players have to find/identify all missing numbers and get corresponding alphabets for the missing numbers. From these alphabets players have to create a word. Generally this game is based on theme and the solution/answer word is based on theme.
type: Mind Games

group: Mind Game

family: Paper Games
Paper Games for party
theme: Powerpuff Girls
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No, the item is non-returnable.

general info
design suite
Power Puff Girls guess missing word
suite: list5650
category: General
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bookmark: https://partystuff.in/design/list5650_1

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note: please check ticket/card size before ordering. Sizes are indicative only. Number of tickets/cards in a set/pack may be less and could be due to printing/cutting/other issues. Free cards may or may not be available, may have been discontinued. Some items might not be available any more, may have been discontinued, may be out of stock. To be used for personal use only.
note: please check and confirm price, details before ordering. Prices are indicative only. Details are indicative only. Shipping and taxes extra. Item weight approximate. Package weight extra.