Christmas triplet classic grids dividends in Christmas theme
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Christmas triplet classic grids dividends
Christmas triplet classic grids dividends

Christmas triplet classic grids dividends


Christmas is the most awaited time to all the Christians, it's celebrated with Joy. The day when Jesus was born, all the celebrations take place in a grand way. Sweets are distributed, songs are sung, gifts are exchanged and kids wait to see Santa the main attraction of the festival and many other such activities are done. So to experience this in your games too we've created a Christmas themed Tambola Housie Kukuba tickets to play with your family and friends in your Kitty Party or even in your Christmas party, you'll definitely have too much fun.

code: list5008
theme: Christmas
product family: Tambola Housie
1 variant
Size: 2 Cards on A4
3 on a Card
C: Black | L: Hinglish | SH: Rectangle | ST: Color Thin Paper | A: Sell | CON: New | check pricing
contents: Cards
legend: C: Color | L: Language | SH: Shape | ST: Stuff/Material | CON: Condition | A: Availability
How to play?

When the numbers are called out if anyone finishes to strike off the first seven numbers from the tickets one has to shout 'Party ka nyota aa Gaya'

When the numbers are called out if anyone finishes to strike off the first 14 numbers one has to shout ' Jo hoga late, Christmas par uska nahi hoga wait'

For the ones last standing one has to shout 'Christmas party main fun Hain, baaki sab paani Kam hain'

When one number from each line is striked off one has to shout 'Vaah Kya Shaandar Taiyari ki Hain Christmas party ki'

When one finishes to strike off the double numbers 'Khana bahut delicious hain''

When one finishes to strike off all the 12 corners: 'Christmas party Rocks'

When the middle line from all the three tickets is striked off one has to shout 'Miss Beauty'

When one finishes to strike off the first line from the ticket one has to shout ' Miss Shaan''

When one finishes to strike off the second line from the ticket one has to shout ' Miss Chugli Baaz'

When one finishes to strike off all the numbers present in the first ticket 'Is Christmas ki party ka baath hi kuch aur hi Hain'

When one finishes to strike off all the numbers present in the second ticket 'Shahar main charcha Hain is party ki'

When one finishes to strike off all the numbers present in the third ticket one has to shout 'Christmas ki Shubkamnaye'

This game is definitely too much to fun to play with your family and friends in your Kitty Party which is super fun to play in your Kitty Party or even in your Christmas party.
listed in
category: Kitty Party
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note: please check price, ticket/card size before ordering. Prices are indicative only. Sizes are indicative only. Number of tickets/cards in a set/pack may be less and could be due to printing/cutting/other issues. Free cards may or may not be available, may have been discontinued. Some items might not be available any more, may have been discontinued, may be out of stock. To be used for personal use only.