dividends: Dividend options can be individual tic tac toe grids i.e. tic, tac, toe; 3 numbers from each block/grid; tic - top row, tac -
middle row, toe - bottom row; 1 number from each column
Number of each colorful grid i.e. Red, Blue Green
For all Odd numbers of a Grid (like Red grid) say Zero
For all Even numbers of a Grid (like Red grid) say X/Cross
For all Odd numbers of Ticket (all 3 grids) say All Zero
For all Even numbers of Ticket (all 3 grids) say All X/Cross
Full House as Tic-Tac-Toe
middle row, toe - bottom row; 1 number from each column
Number of each colorful grid i.e. Red, Blue Green
For all Odd numbers of a Grid (like Red grid) say Zero
For all Even numbers of a Grid (like Red grid) say X/Cross
For all Odd numbers of Ticket (all 3 grids) say All Zero
For all Even numbers of Ticket (all 3 grids) say All X/Cross
Full House as Tic-Tac-Toe