Feminist Slogans 2 in Ladies theme - Designs - PartyStuff
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Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2Feminist Slogans 2
Feminist Slogans 2

No mothers, no founding fathers
I’m a feminist & I’m proud of it
Ain’t no revolution without women
This is what a Feminist look like
Keep your f*cking laws off my body!
Men of quality do not fear equality
Women are beautiful miracle in life
Women Are Great, Learn To Appreciate
How long must women wait for equality
I am deliberate and Afraid of nothing
I am a Feminist, what’s your Superpower?
Be all you can be, join the feminist army
Women are outperforming men in everything
Women can do as well as men or even better
Better to be strong than pretty and useless
Woman Or Man, Can Do Anything The Other Can

code: list4590
theme: Ladies
product family: Tambola Housie
2 variants
Size: 12.2 x 8.9 Inches
C: Multicolor | L: English | SH: Rectangle | ST: Card Paper | A: Sell | CON: New | check pricing
contents: Cards
Size: 8.9 x 5.9 Inches
C: Multicolor | L: English | SH: Rectangle | ST: Card Paper | A: Sell | CON: New | check pricing
contents: Cards
legend: C: Color | L: Language | SH: Shape | ST: Stuff/Material | CON: Condition | A: Availability
listed in
category: Kitty Party
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bookmark: https://partystuff.in/designs/4590

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note: please check price, ticket/card size before ordering. Prices are indicative only. Sizes are indicative only. Number of tickets/cards in a set/pack may be less and could be due to printing/cutting/other issues. Free cards may or may not be available, may have been discontinued. Some items might not be available any more, may have been discontinued, may be out of stock. To be used for personal use only.