Radha Krishan Bhajan kukuba 1 in Krishna theme
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Radha Krishan Bhajan kukuba 1
Radha Krishan Bhajan kukuba 1

Makhan Chor, Nanad Kishor..
Bandhi Jisne Preet ki dor..
Hare Krishna Hare Murari..
Pujati Jinhein Duniya Saari..
Aao Unke Gun Gaon..
Sab milke Janmashtami Banao..
Order these beautiful tambola tickets for your janamashtami Party with us..


Lord Krishna is one of the strongest avatar of Lord Vishnu. Hindus celebrate it with a lot of joy and happiness. They perform rituals and traditions to please Lord Krishna. The festival is one of the most important occasion for the Hindus. So why miss a chance during all this fun you can make it an atmosphere filled with much more fun, gather all your friends and family to play with our themed Krishna Janmashtmi TambolaHousie Kukuba in your Kitty Party.

code: list1265
theme: Krishna
product family: Tambola Housie
dividends: Each Kanha Janmashtmi housie ticket has 3 lines and with a tagline written on each line. Members have to say that tagline once all the numbers in that line are striked out. Apart from that you can have early five, BP and full house.
How the game goes?

When the numbers are called out, if anyone finishes to strike off the first line, one has to shout ' Shri Krishna Govind Hare'
For the second line 'Tune mujhe bulaya shera'
For the third line 'Radhe Radhe Japa karo

If you finish to strike off the first five numbers off the ticket, one has to shout ' Early Five'
If you finish to strike off all the numbers present in the ticket one has to shout ' Full House'

Isn't the game fun? what are you waiting for grab your pen and ticket and play with our Krishna Janmashtmi themed Kukuba gather your friends and family to play with our specially themed kukuba in your Krishna Janmashtmi celebrations
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category: Kitty Party
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bookmark: https://partystuff.in/designs/1265

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note: please check price, ticket/card size before ordering. Prices are indicative only. Sizes are indicative only. Number of tickets/cards in a set/pack may be less and could be due to printing/cutting/other issues. Free cards may or may not be available, may have been discontinued. Some items might not be available any more, may have been discontinued, may be out of stock. To be used for personal use only.