Tri Colour Triplet Classic grid in Independence Day theme
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Tri Colour Triplet Classic grid
Tri Colour Triplet Classic grid

Tri Colour Triplet Classic grid


Independence Day is the day of pride for every citizen of India. In-country like India where every day is a celebration of our freedom, freedom from hatred, freedom from anxiety, and freedom from toxicity where fraternity and compassion are in the air. India is known for its 'Unity in diversity'. This is the day of tribute for every soldier who sacrificed their lives and also for those who stand in the melting cold for the sake of their motherland.

Everyone celebrates it in a different way. Some people recite hymns of the motherland and some distribute sweets. We can see our flags flying at the distances. You can also celebrate Independence day by playing with our Independence day in your kitty party.

code: list4075
theme: Independence Day
product family: Tambola Housie
How to play?
It is the combination of three regular Tambola tickets having 9 rows.

When the caller calls out the numbers, the participants have to cross the same number on their tickets.

If the first row is crossed completely in the ticket, the member can shout out 'first row' and the winner can claim the reward.

If the second row is crossed completely in the ticket, the member can shout out 'second row' and the winner can claim the reward.

If the third row is crossed completely in the ticket, the member can shout out 'third row' and the winner can claim the reward.

If the fourth row is crossed completely in the ticket, the member can shout out 'fourth row 'and the winner can claim the reward.

If the fifth row is crossed completely in the ticket, the member can shout out 'fifth row' and the winner can claim the reward.

If the sixth row is crossed completely in the ticket, the member can shout out ' sixth row' and the winner can claim the reward.

Similar to all the others row up to the 9th row, the winners can claim their rewards.

If the highest and lowest numbers are crossed in the ticket, the winner can claim the reward for 'BP.'

Also, if the first seven numbers are crossed, the winner can claim 'Early Five.'
Similarly, if all the numbers are crossed in the ticket, the winner can claim
'Happy Independence Day.'
So, grab your pen and ticket. Bring your family and friends together and lets the party begin.
Are you excited to play with our 'Independence Day' theme tambola tickets?

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category: Kitty Party
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note: please check price, ticket/card size before ordering. Prices are indicative only. Sizes are indicative only. Number of tickets/cards in a set/pack may be less and could be due to printing/cutting/other issues. Free cards may or may not be available, may have been discontinued. Some items might not be available any more, may have been discontinued, may be out of stock. To be used for personal use only.