6th National Conference on Recent Trends in Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Technology RTUCCT 2019
6th National Conference on Recent Trends in Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Technology RTUCCT 2019
RTUCCT-2019 organizing committee cordially welcomes everyone to the National Conference on Recent Trends in Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Technology which is to be held during September 19 & 20, 2019 in Sathyamangalam, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India which has keynote sessions such as Workshop and Paper Presentation. The conference will highlight latest technologies, ongoing research around the world and R&D possibilities in the field of ubiquitous computing and communication technology. The conference aims to bring industry experts, academicians, scientists and research scholars together for mutual support, education and inspiration.
key details
date: 2019-09-19 to 2019-09-20
venue: Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
Erode, Tamil Nadu-638401
638 40
Erode, Tamil Nadu-638401
638 40
listed in
category: Fest
type: Conferences
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: : Dr.B.Gomathy (#9486197962, [email protected])
: Mr.C.Abishek (# 8344126662, [email protected])
: Ms.P.Shri Poorani (# 9095398878, [email protected])
: Mr.C.Abishek (# 8344126662, [email protected])
: Ms.P.Shri Poorani (# 9095398878, [email protected])
more details
base name: 6th National Conference on Recent Trends in Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Technol
registration: Last Dates for Registration:
Last Date for Registration for Workshop: 10.09.2019
Last Date for Abstract/Paper Submission: 07.09.2019
Last Date for Acceptance Intimation: 09.09.2019
Last Date for Final Paper Submission in IEEE format: 11.09.2019
6th National Conference on Recent Trends in Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Technology RTUCCT 2019 Registration Fees :
On-Spot payment available.
Machine Learning: Rs.500/-
Internet Of Things: Rs.500/-
Paper Presentation:
Students: Rs.500/-(Per Author)
Academicians/Research Scholar: Rs.750/-(Per Author)
Industrial Personnel: Rs.1000/-(Per Author)
Last Date for Registration for Workshop: 10.09.2019
Last Date for Abstract/Paper Submission: 07.09.2019
Last Date for Acceptance Intimation: 09.09.2019
Last Date for Final Paper Submission in IEEE format: 11.09.2019
6th National Conference on Recent Trends in Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Technology RTUCCT 2019 Registration Fees :
On-Spot payment available.
Machine Learning: Rs.500/-
Internet Of Things: Rs.500/-
Paper Presentation:
Students: Rs.500/-(Per Author)
Academicians/Research Scholar: Rs.750/-(Per Author)
Industrial Personnel: Rs.1000/-(Per Author)
accommodation: If any personnel need accommodation, you have to pay the fees for accommodation.
Accommodation Fee: Rs.300/-(Per Person)
Accommodation Fee: Rs.300/-(Per Person)
reach: Alathukombai - Post Sathyamangalam - 638 401 Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India
contests: 1. Workshop
2. Paper Presentation
Workshops in Erode:
1. Machine Learning
2. Internet of Things
2. Paper Presentation
Workshops in Erode:
1. Machine Learning
2. Internet of Things
details: Paper Presentation Topics:
1. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
2. Optimization Techniques
3. Data mining and Data Warehousing
4. Network Security
5. Ubiquitous Computing
6. Protocol Standards
7. Communication Architectures
8. Mobile Computing
9. Embedded Systems
10. Image Processing
11. Nano technology
12. Grid Computing
13. Cloud Computing
14. Parallel and Distributed Computing
15. Pervasive Computing
16. Sensor Networks and Applications
17. Big Data Analytics
18. Internet Of Things
1. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
2. Optimization Techniques
3. Data mining and Data Warehousing
4. Network Security
5. Ubiquitous Computing
6. Protocol Standards
7. Communication Architectures
8. Mobile Computing
9. Embedded Systems
10. Image Processing
11. Nano technology
12. Grid Computing
13. Cloud Computing
14. Parallel and Distributed Computing
15. Pervasive Computing
16. Sensor Networks and Applications
17. Big Data Analytics
18. Internet Of Things
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