Abhikrama 2019, fest - Christ University Faculty of Engineering, Bengaluru
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Abhikrama 2019

Abhikrama 2019
Abhikrama is national level, inter-college management fest held by the Department of Hotel Management at Christ University for colleges across India. It is an initiative of the Department to make their mark on the management festing culture that exists in B-Schools and Commerce education colleges across the country.

The Age of Change

For as long as mankind has existed, there has existed innovation. With this innovation comes value. And with value comes business. This year Abhikrama aims to encapsulate the various forms that omnipresent practices like business and management have taken over the millennia since civilization has existed. We can only know our future, if we understand our past.
key details
date: 2019-09-16 to 2019-09-17
venue: CHRIST (Deemed to be University)

Bengaluru, Karnataka
listed in
category: Fest
type: fest
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: : Prarthana Prasad (#9741292384, [email protected])
more details
base name: Abhikrama
theme: Age of Change
contests: What’s happening in Abhikrama 2019?

Abhikrama hosts a wide range of events dedicated to facilitating learning outside of the classroom. Abhikrama puts a unique and practical spin upon vital facets of management to ensure a deep and holistic takeaway for participants.

THE TYCOON : Best Manager ( Team of 1)

A jack of all trades is a master of none, but is always better than a master of one. Best manager will test every skill you have and then some. Be prepared for the unexpected.

THE INNOVATOR : Entrepreneurship Development: (Team of 1)

Neoterizo means to innovate. To innovate is to survive. An entrepreneur innovates to stay ahead of the game in todays ever changing world.

THE CAPITALIST : Finance (Team of 1)

Synesi means to be prudent. Finance is the the coursing lifeblood of any operation. To manage your manage your money is to manage your success.

THE MOGUL : Human Resources (Team of 1)

Great vision without great people is irrelevant. Axia means to value. People are the most valuable resource any business can have. Learning to manage them is the greatest talent one can possess.

THE ICON : Public Relations (Team of 1)

Eikona means image. Creating and managing your image and how the world sees you is the key for long standing success.

THE MASTERMIND: Business Quiz (Team of 2)

The best investment is in knowledge because it will yield the greatest returns. Xero means to know. The quest for knowledge is Paramount.

THE INFLUENCER: Marketing (Team of 1)

Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart. Thelos means to want. To make your customer want what you have is the essence of marketing and the key to success.
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