Data Analysis Workshop 2019
Data Analysis Workshop 2019
The eleventh edition of our workshop aims at a holistic approach to progressive research methods. We have been conducting Research workshops on regular intervals. The massive success and overwhelming post workshop responses from the participants created a brand value for our workshop and encouraged us to come out with series of the workshops every year. This edition is designed to give comprehensive understanding of multivariate statistical methods with advanced software. The emphasis is on Theory & Model building and testing through a series of statistical tools.
At the end of this workshop, participants could understand the philosophy of research and will be able to use SPSS, AMOS and R software to do data diagnostics, perform appropriate analysis and make meaningful inference. Participants will also be able to write research reports based on their own analysis, inferences and findings.
At the end of this workshop, participants could understand the philosophy of research and will be able to use SPSS, AMOS and R software to do data diagnostics, perform appropriate analysis and make meaningful inference. Participants will also be able to write research reports based on their own analysis, inferences and findings.
key details
entity: Kongu Engineering College
date: 2019-09-06 to 2019-09-10
venue: Kongu Engineering College
Erode, Tamil Nadu-638052
Erode, Tamil Nadu-638052
listed in
category: Fest
type: Workshop
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: : Dr.S.Padmavathy (#86750 14214, [email protected] )
: Dr.P.Sundharesalingam (# 98429 12127, [email protected] )
: Dr.P.Sundharesalingam (# 98429 12127, [email protected] )
more details
base name: Data Analysis Workshop
registration: Last Dates for Registration:
Data Analysis Workshop 2019 Registration Fees :
Rs.4500 for Research Scholars
Rs.5000 for Academicians
Rs.7000 for Industry Delegates
Data Analysis Workshop 2019 Registration Fees :
Rs.4500 for Research Scholars
Rs.5000 for Academicians
Rs.7000 for Industry Delegates
accommodation: Within Campus accommodation at Rs.300/day including Breakfast and Dinner
contests: Introduction to Research
Data analysis with SPSS
Data Analysis with R
Structural Equation Modelling with AMOS
Data analysis with SPSS
Data Analysis with R
Structural Equation Modelling with AMOS
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