Industry Oriented Hands on Image Processing Training 2k19
Industry Oriented Hands on Image Processing Training 2k19
Image analysis is the process by which meaningful information or measurements can be obtained, usually extracted in the form of the digital images, typically by computer algorithm.
Image analysis is a technique often used to obtain quantitative data from tissue samples using analysis software that segments pixels in a digital image based on features such as colour
(i.e., RGB), density, or texture. A limitation of image analysis is that it often requires assumptions to be made and only provides measurements of relative changes to the object(s) of interest in tissues. Even with its recognized limitations, image analysis is a powerful tool when used correctly to obtain quantitative data.The Workshop is open to students who are
interested in learning the recent advancements and carrying out research in the area of medical imaging technologies.
Image analysis is a technique often used to obtain quantitative data from tissue samples using analysis software that segments pixels in a digital image based on features such as colour
(i.e., RGB), density, or texture. A limitation of image analysis is that it often requires assumptions to be made and only provides measurements of relative changes to the object(s) of interest in tissues. Even with its recognized limitations, image analysis is a powerful tool when used correctly to obtain quantitative data.The Workshop is open to students who are
interested in learning the recent advancements and carrying out research in the area of medical imaging technologies.
key details
date: 2019-09-20 to 2019-09-21
venue: Rajalakshmi Engineering College
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
listed in
category: Fest
type: Training
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: : Dr.M.C.Jobin Christ (#9842666844, [email protected])
: Ms.M.Neela (# 9940302290, [email protected])
: Ms.M.Neela (# 9940302290, [email protected])
more details
registration: Last Dates for Registration:
Deadline for registration : 17.09.2019
Selection notification : 18.09.2019
Industry Oriented Handsâ€on Image Processing Training 2k19 Registration Fees :
Registration fee : Rs.100/-
Deadline for registration : 17.09.2019
Selection notification : 18.09.2019
Industry Oriented Handsâ€on Image Processing Training 2k19 Registration Fees :
Registration fee : Rs.100/-
contests: Workshop
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