International Conference on Innovations and Research advances in Aquaculture Fisheries and Exploration of Deep Sea Fishing 2019
International Conference on Innovations and Research advances in Aquaculture Fisheries and Exploration of Deep Sea Fishing 2019
International Conference on Aquaculture and Fisheries in 2019 that brings together a unique and International mix of experts, like aquaculture engineers, researchers and decision makers both from academia and industry across the globe to exchange their knowledge, experience and research innovations to its world aquaculture conference, aquaculture is understood to mean the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants. Farming implies some form of intervention in the rearing process to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, the production gains from various regions of the world and the share that comes from aquaculture.
Aquaculture plays an important role in ensuring a sufficient supply of nutritious food to feed the world's growing population. However, this requires a corresponding increase in the feed supply. This Seminar is anticipating participants from Aquaculture and fisheries scientists, researchers, academicians, students, companies, societies and specially the Aqua farmers.
This event will include expert presentations, keynote talks, plenary lectures, Entrepreneurs Investment meet, Network Meetings, Scientific and academic networking etc. where you can have an opportunity to display/talk about your research achievements and contradictions in front of World-class experts, budding scientists & delegates who are gathering from reputed universities and organizations across the globe.
Aquaculture plays an important role in ensuring a sufficient supply of nutritious food to feed the world's growing population. However, this requires a corresponding increase in the feed supply. This Seminar is anticipating participants from Aquaculture and fisheries scientists, researchers, academicians, students, companies, societies and specially the Aqua farmers.
This event will include expert presentations, keynote talks, plenary lectures, Entrepreneurs Investment meet, Network Meetings, Scientific and academic networking etc. where you can have an opportunity to display/talk about your research achievements and contradictions in front of World-class experts, budding scientists & delegates who are gathering from reputed universities and organizations across the globe.
key details
entity: KGRL College
date: 2019-08-28 to 2019-08-29
venue: KGRL College Road, Bhimavaram-534201, West Godavari District, Andhrapradesh, India..
listed in
category: Event
type: Conferences
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: : Dr.Trinadh (#98854 17767, [email protected] )
more details
base name: International Conference on Innovations and Research advances in Aquaculture, Fisheries an
registration: Last Dates for Registration:
Registration Fees :
International Delegates : $ 50
Faculty/Academic/Industry : Rs. 1,900/- ( 1000/- without paper)
Scholars : Rs. 1,000/-
Students/Farmers : Rs. 500/-
Registration Fees :
International Delegates : $ 50
Faculty/Academic/Industry : Rs. 1,900/- ( 1000/- without paper)
Scholars : Rs. 1,000/-
Students/Farmers : Rs. 500/-
guest:  Dr. G.V.R.Sastry, Chairman: Coastal India Development Council, New Delhi.
 Dr.Ajay Bhasker, Nutritionist
 Mr. Bond Zhang, Technical Manager, Guangzhou Nutriere Biotechnology Co. Ltd., P.R.China.
 Dr.P.E.Vijayanand, Global Speaker, IPAT.
 Mr. Umakanth, American Soyabean Association, USA.
 Mr.Ravi Chapa, Head-Marketing, Unibait Feeds Pvt. Ltd.
 Mr.KNB.Vijaykumar, Technical Head, Skretting India
 Mr.G.G.Srinivas, Director Operations, Unibait Feeds Pvt. Ltd.
 Mr. Dileep Moonnagi, CEO, RNK Agro Chemicals, Hyderabad.
 Mr. Micky wu, Technical Manager, Guangdong Nutriere Group Co. Ltd., P.R. China
 Dr.Ajay Bhasker, Nutritionist
 Mr. Bond Zhang, Technical Manager, Guangzhou Nutriere Biotechnology Co. Ltd., P.R.China.
 Dr.P.E.Vijayanand, Global Speaker, IPAT.
 Mr. Umakanth, American Soyabean Association, USA.
 Mr.Ravi Chapa, Head-Marketing, Unibait Feeds Pvt. Ltd.
 Mr.KNB.Vijaykumar, Technical Head, Skretting India
 Mr.G.G.Srinivas, Director Operations, Unibait Feeds Pvt. Ltd.
 Mr. Dileep Moonnagi, CEO, RNK Agro Chemicals, Hyderabad.
 Mr. Micky wu, Technical Manager, Guangdong Nutriere Group Co. Ltd., P.R. China
sponsor: In Collaboration with Marine Product Exports Development Authority – Cochin (MPEDA)
State Institute of Fisheries Technology – Kakinada (SIFT)
Centre for Marine Fisheries Research Institute – Visakhapatnam (CMFRI)
Fisheries and Research Station – Undi (FRS)
State Institute of Fisheries Technology – Kakinada (SIFT)
Centre for Marine Fisheries Research Institute – Visakhapatnam (CMFRI)
Fisheries and Research Station – Undi (FRS)
accommodation: provided based on prior request and paid service.
contests: Technical Talk
Paper Presentation
Aqua Expo and Entrepreneurship Options Display
Paper Presentation
Aqua Expo and Entrepreneurship Options Display
details: Paper Presentation Topics:
• Aquaculture nutrition
• Aquaculture diseases and management
• Re-circulating Aquaculture systems(IPAT)
• Sustainability in Aquaculture
• Aqua farming(Murrel farming)-techniques & methods
• Shrimp farming & crustacean farming
• New techniques in Aquaculture Engineering
• Advances in the technology in the area of Aquaculture and Fisheries
• Fish breeding and hatching
• Fisheries conservation and management
• Live stock farming and genetic engineering
• Marine ecology and biological oceanography
• Fisheries science
• Fisheries industries
• Fresh water aquaculture
• Aquatic pollution and toxicology
• Indian shrimp feed market
• Indian fish feed market
• Aquaculture nutrition
• Aquaculture diseases and management
• Re-circulating Aquaculture systems(IPAT)
• Sustainability in Aquaculture
• Aqua farming(Murrel farming)-techniques & methods
• Shrimp farming & crustacean farming
• New techniques in Aquaculture Engineering
• Advances in the technology in the area of Aquaculture and Fisheries
• Fish breeding and hatching
• Fisheries conservation and management
• Live stock farming and genetic engineering
• Marine ecology and biological oceanography
• Fisheries science
• Fisheries industries
• Fresh water aquaculture
• Aquatic pollution and toxicology
• Indian shrimp feed market
• Indian fish feed market
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