International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing ICRAMM 2019, Conferences - KLE Dr. M.S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum
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International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing ICRAMM 2019

International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing ICRAMM 2019
Research on materials and innovations in manufacturing technologies are the significant symbols of modern day’s high-tech revolution. International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing focuses on the development of novel materials, their characterization techniques, and the latest trends in manufacturing methods. It showcases the commitment of our institute to motivate research culture among various disciplines in particular material science and manufacturing. This conference encourages researchers, academicians and industrialists present their domain expertise on a common platform. This conference also helps in bridging the gap between academia and industries for overall societal development.
key details
date: 2019-09-12 to 2019-09-15
venue: KLE Dr. M.S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology

Belgaum, Karnataka-590008
listed in
category: Fest
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: : Dr. Adake C V (#, [email protected] )
more details
registration: Last Dates for Registration:
Important Dates
Last date for paper submission
25, July 2019 (Open)
Last date for acceptance
15, August 2019
Registration commencing
01, August 2019
Registration deadline
20, August 2019
Camera ready paper submission
22, August 2019
Release of conference schedule
25, August 2019
Conference dates
12 – 14, September 2019

International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing ICRAMM 2019 Registration Fees :

Graduate Student Rs. 7,000
Research Scholar / Academician Rs. 7,500
Industry and Others Rs. 8,000
Listener Rs. 1,500
Extra page charge (if more than 12 pages) Rs. 500 / Page

Academic / Research Scholar $200
Graduate Students $200
Industry and Others $200
sponsor: The 2019 First International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICRAMM 2019) is sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, India.
accommodation: [email protected]
reach: Angol Main Road, Udyambag, Belgaum, Karnataka, 590008
contests: Call For Papers
ICRAMM2019 invites full-length original research articles from research scholars, faculty, scientists and industry professionals from India and across the world. Research articles and review papers not exceeding twelve pages in a single column format shall be submitted. The manuscripts should not have been published or under review in any of the journals or conference proceedings. Further, the manuscript should contain the name, e-mail id of the corresponding author and affiliation of co-authors. Soft copy of full-length manuscripts in word or pdf format along with supporting documents in the single column format shall be sent to [email protected]

details: Paper Presentation Topics:
Research manuscripts and proposals are invited in the following topics (but not limited to)

Advanced Materials
Ceramics, Shape Memory Alloys and Nanomaterials
Materials for Aerospace Applications
Polymers and Polymer Composites
Glasses and Amorphous Systems
Characterization and Testing
Bio Materials
Building Materials
Chemical Materials
Optical/Electronic Materials
Magnetic Materials
3D materials
Cryogenic materials

Micro/Nano Machining
Metal Forming
Green Manufacturing
Non-Conventional Machining Processes
Additive Manufacturing
Metal Joining
Subtractive Manufacturing
Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies
Embedded system
Sensors for automation
Vibration engineering
Mechanical dynamics and vibration
Mechanical strength
Mechanical design
Casting technology and equipment
Welding technology and equipment
Plastic processing technology
Cellular manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing processes

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