National Conference on Recent advances in on board Ship automation 2019, Conferences - AMET University, Chennai
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National Conference on Recent advances in on board Ship automation 2019

National Conference on Recent advances in on board Ship automation 2019
The theme of the conference is to gather students, professional scholars, practitioners from both academia as well as industry and exchange ideas and
information on recent advances in on-board ship automation. This conference will also provide an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications and products of the mentioned fields. It will promote research in Smart Sensors, IOT, Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, etc. The primary objective of the conference is to discuss and debate the challenges and opportunities in the next generation automated ships.
key details
date: 2019-09-26 to 2019-09-27
venue: 135, East Coast Road,, Uthandi, Kanathur, Tamil Nadu 603103
listed in
category: Fest
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: Associate Professor, Department of EEE: Dr. T. Baldwin Immanuel (# 9600089086 / 9994888785, [email protected])
Associate Professor, Department of EEE: Mr. C. Gnanavel (# 9600089086 / 9994888785, [email protected])
more details
registration: Last Dates for Registration:
Important Dates
Last date for Submission of Abstract - 15th August 2019
Last date for Submission of Full Paper - 30th August 2019
Notification of Acceptance - 20th September 2019
Date of Conference - 26th & 27th September 2019

National Conference on Recent advances in on–board Ship automation 2019 Registration Fees :

Industry ₹ 1500
Academician / Research Scholar ₹ 700
UG & PG Students ₹ 500
Co-Author Fees ₹ 200

details: Paper Presentation Topics:
TRACK 1: Cyber Physical Systems
 Machine Learning and Deep Learning
 Internet of Things (IoT)
 Big Data, Data Science and Data Mining
 Cloud Computing and Cloud-based automation
 Autonomous systems
 Control and Supervision Systems
 Networked control systems
 Micro- and nano-scale automation technologies and applications
TRACK 2: Marine Automation
 Process Control and Industrial Automation
 Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
 Marine Control and Automation
 Next Generation Automated Ships
 Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
TRACK 3: Marine and Off-Shore Engineering
 Marine Electrical and Control Systems
 Marine Electronic Navigation Systems
 Offshore Energy Engineering
 Ship Power Management Systems.
 Titanic Corrosion
 Energy Management and Auditing
TRACK 5: Power Electronics and Drives
 Power Electronics in Power Systems
 Modern Industrial Drives
 Power Electronics applications in Modern Ships
 Hybrid Electric Vehicles
 High Voltage Direct Current
TRACK 2: Marine Automation
 Process Control and Industrial Automation
 Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
 Marine Control and Automation
 Next Generation Automated Ships
 Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
TRACK 4: Communication and Computing
 Wireless Communication
 Advanced Communication Systems
 Advanced Networking and Applications
 Information Security & Information Retrieval
 Satellite Communication
 Mathematical Modeling and Computing
TRACK 6: Advances in Electronics Design
 Signal Processing techniques
 VLSI Design and Testing
 Embedded System Design
 Nano Technology
 Medical Electronics
TRACK 7: Power Systems
 Power Quality Issues and Solutions
 Distributed Energy Systems
 Power System Restructuring and Deregulation
 Power semiconductor Controlled Electric Drives
 Power System Protection Equipments
TRACK 8: Renewable Energy Systems
 Smart Grid Technologies and its Applications
 Renewable Power Generation Systems
 Finite Element Analysis of Electrical Machines
 Power Converters for Renewable Energy Systems
 Green and Renewable Energy Technology
 Optimization techniques in Micro Grid Systems

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