One Day Training on Analysis of Major Solvents Esters and Gases using GC -TCD-FID 2019
One Day Training on Analysis of Major Solvents Esters and Gases using GC -TCD-FID 2019
Beneficial to the people who are willing to enter the industries which relates to
chemical, pharmaceuticals, food, oils, agriculture, cosmetics and analytical testing laboratories and many others.
Training course will cover practical aspects of Gas chromatography, sample preparation and process, Method
development, Qualitative analysis and interpretation of GC FID/TCD
chemical, pharmaceuticals, food, oils, agriculture, cosmetics and analytical testing laboratories and many others.
Training course will cover practical aspects of Gas chromatography, sample preparation and process, Method
development, Qualitative analysis and interpretation of GC FID/TCD
key details
date: 2019-08-30 to 2019-08-30
venue: Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
listed in
category: Fest
type: Workshop
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: : Arun Govind (# 9962277656, [email protected] )
: Santhosh (# 9092029616, [email protected] )
: Santhosh (# 9092029616, [email protected] )
more details
registration: Students/Scholars: 600INR
Academicians: 1000INR
INdustrial participants/other labs: 1500INR
Academicians: 1000INR
INdustrial participants/other labs: 1500INR
accommodation: Accommodation will be provided for outstation participant with payment of Rs 200/day
contests: Students / Scholars : 60 0 INR
Academicians : 1 000 I N R
Industrial Participants /Other labs : 15 00 INR
✓ Registration fee can be paid by cash or DD draw n in favor of Sathya bama institute of scie nce and technology payable at “Chennai†.
✓ The Registration fee includes Workshop kit, softcopy of training manual, refreshment and lunch
✓ Certificates will be issued to all the participants
✓ Accommodation will be provided for outstation participant with payment of Rs 200/day
✓ 20% discount on Consultancy
Academicians : 1 000 I N R
Industrial Participants /Other labs : 15 00 INR
✓ Registration fee can be paid by cash or DD draw n in favor of Sathya bama institute of scie nce and technology payable at “Chennai†.
✓ The Registration fee includes Workshop kit, softcopy of training manual, refreshment and lunch
✓ Certificates will be issued to all the participants
✓ Accommodation will be provided for outstation participant with payment of Rs 200/day
✓ 20% discount on Consultancy
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