Sperton 2k19
Sperton 2k19
The national level technical symposium was organizing by the department of civil engineering at Kings college of engineering, hope this is one of the Prestigious platform to showcase your knowledge and talent,
event website: https://spertoncivil.wixsite.com/sperton
event website: https://spertoncivil.wixsite.com/sperton
key details
entity: Kings College of Engineering
date: 2019-08-30 to 2019-08-30
venue: Kings College of Engineering
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu
listed in
category: Event
type: Symposium
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: : vijay venkadesan (#9626434441, [email protected])
more details
base name: Sperton
tagline: We don't when we're tired ...but we stop once we're done
theme: To Innovate the Technology
registration: Last Dates for Registration:
spot registration is also available...
online registration closes by 30.08.2019 morning 9.00 Am
Sperton 2k19 Registration Fees :
200 rupees per head
spot registration is also available...
online registration closes by 30.08.2019 morning 9.00 Am
Sperton 2k19 Registration Fees :
200 rupees per head
sponsor: v.vijay 9626434441
accommodation: for accomodation contact :
vijay 9626434441
accomodation available at college hostel
vijay 9626434441
accomodation available at college hostel
reach: Kings college of engineering
{Thanjavur - Manamadurai byepass }
Punalkulam, pudukottai district.
college is located on the way from thanjavur - pudukottai national highway.
college bus available on the day of event
from infront of new bustand (near by hotel Ram aryas)
{Thanjavur - Manamadurai byepass }
Punalkulam, pudukottai district.
college is located on the way from thanjavur - pudukottai national highway.
college bus available on the day of event
from infront of new bustand (near by hotel Ram aryas)
contests: Technical events:
Paper presentation
poster presentation
free hand sketch
code cracking
technical quiz
Nontechnical events:
Rubic cube
Treasure Hunt
Paper presentation
poster presentation
free hand sketch
code cracking
technical quiz
Nontechnical events:
Rubic cube
Treasure Hunt
details: Paper Presentation Topics:
Any topics related to civil Engineering
Any topics related to civil Engineering
No Items found
this page
code: e461
hits: 158
bookmark url: https://partystuff.in/event/sperton-2k19
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