Two Days Workshop on Power Management and Stability Solutions of the Microgrid 2019
Two Days Workshop on Power Management and Stability Solutions of the Microgrid 2019
The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) Sponsored Two Days National Level Workshop on Power Management & Stability Solutions of the Microgrid on 6th and 7th September 2019.
key details
date: 2019-09-06 to 2019-09-07
venue: St Josephs College of Engineering
Chennai,Tamil Nadu 600119
Chennai,Tamil Nadu 600119
listed in
category: Fest
type: Workshop
genre: General
web: website
registration: registration
person: : Dr.M.Ramesh Babu (#91-9941318858, [email protected] )
more details
registration: Last Dates for Registration:
30 August 2019
Two Days Workshop on Power Management and Stability Solutions of the Microgrid 2019 Registration Fees :
PG Students/Research Scholars - 500/-
Faculty/Industry Participants - 750/-
30 August 2019
Two Days Workshop on Power Management and Stability Solutions of the Microgrid 2019 Registration Fees :
PG Students/Research Scholars - 500/-
Faculty/Industry Participants - 750/-
guest: Dr.R.P.Kumudini Devi, Prof/CEG Guindy
Dr.S.Chandramohan, Prof/CEG Guindy
Dr.L.Ramesh, Founder and Chairman, Energy Efficiency Research Group
Dr.V.P.Boopathy, Senior Application Engineer, EMTP - RV
Dr.S.Chandramohan, Prof/CEG Guindy
Dr.L.Ramesh, Founder and Chairman, Energy Efficiency Research Group
Dr.V.P.Boopathy, Senior Application Engineer, EMTP - RV
accommodation: Limited Accommodations will be provided on prior request under free of cost.
contests: The Workshop Covers the following topics.
1. An introduction to Microgrid
2. Design aspects of Microgrid
3. Power Distribution Management System
4. Integration issues and stability analysis of Microgrids
5. Energy storage and service reliability
6. Simulation and analysis of Microgrid using EMTP - RV
Workshops in Chennai:
Simulation and analysis of Microgrid using EMTP - RV
1. An introduction to Microgrid
2. Design aspects of Microgrid
3. Power Distribution Management System
4. Integration issues and stability analysis of Microgrids
5. Energy storage and service reliability
6. Simulation and analysis of Microgrid using EMTP - RV
Workshops in Chennai:
Simulation and analysis of Microgrid using EMTP - RV
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