1. First of all, host have to arrange some old household things like many newspapers, ice cream sticks, cartons, marriage cards, scissors, glue, old clothes, old pens, buttons etc....
2. Keep this material on two tables divided equally.
3. Now divide the members into two teams.
4. One of the member from both the teams have to come for taking the material but the twist is they will get only one minute to take the material and only in one chance.
5. As the time starts one of the member from both the teams will run to their table and start collecting the material.
6. They are not allowed to go back and keep the material on their table and run again. They have to take the material only in one turn.
7. After one minute, they have to start making something creative from the waste material.
8. Time limit is 10 minutes.
9. The team which makes the best thing out of waste material will be the winner.
1. First of all, host have to arrange some old household things like many newspapers, ice cream sticks, cartons, marriage cards, scissors, glue, old clothes, old pens, buttons etc....
2. Keep this material on two tables divided equally.
3. Now divide the members into two teams.
4. One of the member from both the teams have to come for taking the material but the twist is they will get only one minute to take the material and only in one chance.
5. As the time starts one of the member from both the teams will run to their table and start collecting the material.
6. They are not allowed to go back and keep the material on their table and run again. They have to take the material only in one turn.
7. After one minute, they have to start making something creative from the waste material.
8. Time limit is 10 minutes.
9. The team which makes the best thing out of waste material will be the winner.
Time limit is ten minute.
Time limit is ten minute.
1. Host have to arrange some old household things like many newspapers, ice cream sticks, cartons, marriage cards, scissors, glue, old clothes, old pens, buttons etc....
2. Host have to arrange gifts for the winner team members.
1. Host have to arrange some old household things like many newspapers, ice cream sticks, cartons, marriage cards, scissors, glue, old clothes, old pens, buttons etc....
2. Host have to arrange gifts for the winner team members.
The team which makes the best thing out of waste material will be the winner.
The team which makes the best thing out of waste material will be the winner.
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