1. First of all, host have to make 50 circle with coin on a sheet for each player and arrange coins of rs. 1 and 2.
2. Call the players on chairs to sit around the table.
3. Give a sheet with coins of rs. 1 and 2 to each player.
4. They have to place coins randomly where they want in 30 seconds.
5. Host will also play this game without showing to all.
6. After that all players will match it with host.
7. The players will earn points fpr the coins which are placed at the same place like host.
8. The player with maximum points wins the game.
1. First of all, host have to make 50 circle with coin on a sheet for each player and arrange coins of rs. 1 and 2.
2. Call the players on chairs to sit around the table.
3. Give a sheet with coins of rs. 1 and 2 to each player.
4. They have to place coins randomly where they want in 30 seconds.
5. Host will also play this game without showing to all.
6. After that all players will match it with host.
7. The players will earn points fpr the coins which are placed at the same place like host.
8. The player with maximum points wins the game.
Time limit is 30 seconds.
Time limit is 30 seconds.
1. Host have to make 50 circle with coin on a sheet for each player and arrange coins of rs. 1 and 2.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
1. Host have to make 50 circle with coin on a sheet for each player and arrange coins of rs. 1 and 2.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
The player with maximum points wins the game.
The player with maximum points wins the game.
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