Guess The Word Game - General - Adult Party
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Guess The Word

code: g876
This is a easy and interesting game for kitty party theme game. In this game, host will give each player a sheet with some words which involves filling up blanks with hints given in bracket and players have to guess the word and write them in the blanks. Time limit is one minute.

listed in

category: Adult Party
1. First of all, host have to arrange a sheet with some words which involves filling up blanks with hints given in bracket. For example: C_ _W (I am a bird and black in color) , _ O_E_(Some people love to read me) In this example, the answers would be Crow and Novel. Some of the words can be as follows :
E_ _P_ A _ T (Lives In The Jungle)
_I_ T _N _ (Far Away)
A _ _ I _T_ _T (One who helps)
E_ _P_A _ _ (A large edible vegetable plant shaped like an egg)
_ _OD_R_ _ T (A substance which removes unpleasant smell )
_E _DA_ _ (a loose hanging piece of jewellery)
M_ _ _H_NT (the one who trades the goods)
_GN_R_ _T (lack of knowledge)
G _ _ _T (Is Extraordinarily Large)
_ER _ _ _T (Works For A Master)
E_ _GA_ T( Luxurious)
P_ _ _IC_P_ _ T (One Who Takes Part)
_ N_A_T (A Very Small Child)
_ RI_ _ _ AN _ (Very Bright)
_NS_A _T (Immediate)

2. Have the photostates ready for each player and arrange pens also.

3. Call the players on chairs to sit around the table.

4. Give one sheet to all the players.

5. The players have to fill in blanks according to the given hints.

6. Time limit one minute.

7. The one who writes the maximum wins the game.
Time limit is one minute.
1. Host have to arrange a sheet with some words which involves filling up blanks with hints given in bracket. For example: C_ _W (I am a bird and black in color) , _ O_E_(Some people love to read me).

2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
The one who writes the maximum wins the game.
other names:
level: Easy
cost: Low
level: Easy
duration: Upto 30 Minutes
age group: 21 to 45
people: Ladies | Gents | Bachelor | Adults | Teens
group: 12 to 25
genre: General
theme: Jewellery | Tom and Jerry | Professional | Ladies | Language
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code: g876
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