1. First of all, host has to arrange many underwears of big size.
2. Call the players in playing area.
3. Give each player many underwears and give them a time limit of one minute to wear them on their clothes to be look like as spiderman.
4. Player who is able to wear maximum underwears wins the game.
1. First of all, host has to arrange many underwears of big size.
2. Call the players in playing area.
3. Give each player many underwears and give them a time limit of one minute to wear them on their clothes to be look like as spiderman.
4. Player who is able to wear maximum underwears wins the game.
Time limit is one minute.
Time limit is one minute.
1. Host has to arrange many underwears of big size.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
1. Host has to arrange many underwears of big size.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
Player who is able to wear maximum underwears wins the game.
Player who is able to wear maximum underwears wins the game.
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