Makeup Memory Game - Kitty Party - Adult Party
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Makeup Memory

code: g1289
This is a game for makeup theme party. Fisrt of all, prepare a tray with a variety of makeup items on it – about fifteen to twenty items is plenty. Issue each guests with a pen and paper and then place the tray down in front of them. Give them one minute to memorise what is on the tray and then remove the tray from the room. Each guest has to write down as many makeup items as they can remember within a time limit.

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category: Adult Party
1. First of all, host has to prepare a tray with a variety of makeup items on it – about fifteen to twenty items is plenty and cover the tray with some cloth.

2. Give each player a pen and paper.

3. Place the tray down in front of them and uncover it for 10 seconds.

4. Give them one minute to memorise what is on the tray and then remove the tray from the room.

5. Each lady has to write down as many makeup items as she can.

6. The lady who writes the most is the winner.
Time limit is one minute.
1. Host has to prepare a tray with a variety of makeup items on it – about fifteen to twenty items is plenty and cover the tray with some cloth.

2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
The lady who writes the most is the winner.
other names:
level: Easy
cost: Low
level: Easy
duration: Upto 20 Minutes
age group: 21 to 45
people: Ladies
group: 12 to 25
genre: Kitty Party
theme: Kitty Party | Ladies | Make Up
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code: g1289
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