Nonstop Nonsense Teachers Day Theme Game - General - Adult Party
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Nonstop Nonsense

code: g67
In India, 5th September is celebrated as Teachers' Day, a tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society. This day should be memorable for them so that they can forget their family tensions at that time and this game is enough interesting that their day will be memorable for them with a lot of funny twists.  

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category: Adult Party
# Make everyone sit in a circle and the host has to sit in the centre.

# The host will ask random questions from the ladies in a circle.
# The host point out finger to ask question but the interesting factor in this game is, when the host points her finger to someone, the lady sitting just right has to give the answer.

# The host will ask questions such as:-

1.What is your name?
2.What are you wearing?
3.What is my name?
# The biggest twist in this game is they have to give wrong answers.If any member will give right answer that will be out from the game and they have to give answer in 2-3 seconds only.
# The lady who is left in the end will be the winner
# Every member has to answer in between 2-3 seconds,

# They can't give right answer.

# If the lady towards whom finger will point out give answer, then she will be out.

# Host has to ask only one word answer type questions.
Host has to make a list of simple questions and has to arrange one gift for the winner.
The lady who is left in the end will be the winner.
other names:
Random questions.
level: Easy
cost: Low
level: Easy
duration: Upto 10 Minutes
age group: 21 to 60
people: Ladies
group: 12 to 25
genre: General
theme: Teachers Day
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code: g67
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