1. First of all, host have to arrange chart paper to cut bells and some decoration things like ribbon, color pencils, glitters, designer tapes etc. to decorate their bells.
2. Draw jingle bells on the craft/chart paper and then cut them.
3. Call the players on the chairs to sit around the table and give one bell and some decoration things like ribbon, color pencils, glitters, designer tapes etc. to decorate their bells.
4. Time limit is 2 minutes.
5. As the time is over, keep all the bells on the table and a jar of candies.
6. The twist of the game is that everyone has to keep candies on the bells as their vote mark.
7. They can keep either 1,2,3 or no candy on the bell.
8. The player whose bell gets maximum candies wins the game.
1. First of all, host have to arrange chart paper to cut bells and some decoration things like ribbon, color pencils, glitters, designer tapes etc. to decorate their bells.
2. Draw jingle bells on the craft/chart paper and then cut them.
3. Call the players on the chairs to sit around the table and give one bell and some decoration things like ribbon, color pencils, glitters, designer tapes etc. to decorate their bells.
4. Time limit is 2 minutes.
5. As the time is over, keep all the bells on the table and a jar of candies.
6. The twist of the game is that everyone has to keep candies on the bells as their vote mark.
7. They can keep either 1,2,3 or no candy on the bell.
8. The player whose bell gets maximum candies wins the game.
Time limit is two minutes.
Time limit is two minutes.
1. Host have to arrange chart paper to cut bells and some decoration things like ribbon, color pencils, glitters, designer tapes etc. to decorate their bells.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
1. Host have to arrange chart paper to cut bells and some decoration things like ribbon, color pencils, glitters, designer tapes etc. to decorate their bells.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
The player whose bell gets maximum candies wins the game.
The player whose bell gets maximum candies wins the game.
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