1. First of all, host have to arrange some show pieces, small sceneries on wall, and some small things in the room for decoration which can be easily changed.
2. As the party starts, tell everybody that they should have a good look around the hall i.e. the things kept in the hall, sitting arrangements, sceneries on the wall, show pieces etc.
3. After some time when everybody is enjoying the party try to make some changes for eg. change the flowers kept on the table, remove some items, change the location of some of the show pieces etc.
4. Make a list of things that you have changed.
5. The game is at the end of the party divide the guests into groups, give them a pen and a paper and ask them to make a list of changes done.
6. Time limit is 5 minutes.
7. The group which tells the maximum number of changes is the winner.
1. First of all, host have to arrange some show pieces, small sceneries on wall, and some small things in the room for decoration which can be easily changed.
2. As the party starts, tell everybody that they should have a good look around the hall i.e. the things kept in the hall, sitting arrangements, sceneries on the wall, show pieces etc.
3. After some time when everybody is enjoying the party try to make some changes for eg. change the flowers kept on the table, remove some items, change the location of some of the show pieces etc.
4. Make a list of things that you have changed.
5. The game is at the end of the party divide the guests into groups, give them a pen and a paper and ask them to make a list of changes done.
6. Time limit is 5 minutes.
7. The group which tells the maximum number of changes is the winner.
Time limit is five minutes.
Time limit is five minutes.
1. Host have to arrange some show pieces, small sceneries on wall, and some small things in the room for decoration which can be easily changed.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
1. Host have to arrange some show pieces, small sceneries on wall, and some small things in the room for decoration which can be easily changed.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
The group which tells the maximum number of changes is the winner.
The group which tells the maximum number of changes is the winner.
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