1. First of all, host have to arrange many sugar cubes and 4 cups.
2. Keep the cups on the table. Mark a Line at a distance from the table.
3. Call each member one by one and give her sugar cubes and ask her to throw them in cups one by one.
4. Time limit is one minutes.
5. The member who puts maximum sugar cubes in one minute will win this game.
6. You can make variation by keeping some marks for each cup for eg:- Marks For each sugar cube thrown in cup first is five and cup second is 10 and so on... and player having maximum points will win this game.
1. First of all, host have to arrange many sugar cubes and 4 cups.
2. Keep the cups on the table. Mark a Line at a distance from the table.
3. Call each member one by one and give her sugar cubes and ask her to throw them in cups one by one.
4. Time limit is one minutes.
5. The member who puts maximum sugar cubes in one minute will win this game.
6. You can make variation by keeping some marks for each cup for eg:- Marks For each sugar cube thrown in cup first is five and cup second is 10 and so on... and player having maximum points will win this game.
Time limit is one minute.
Time limit is one minute.
1. Host have to arrange many sugar cubes and 4 cups.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
1. Host have to arrange many sugar cubes and 4 cups.
2. Host have to arrange gift for the winner.
The member who puts maximum sugar cubes in one minute will win this game.
The member who puts maximum sugar cubes in one minute will win this game.
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