joke for Id - Jokes - PartyStuff

Jokes for joke: 215

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#215 | Pun (ताने मारना)
Height of Fashion
Lungi with a zip.

Height of Laziness
Asking lift for morning walk.

Height of Craziness
Get blank paper xerox.

Height of Honesty
Pregnant woman taking 2 tickets.

Height of de-hydration
Cow giving milk powder.

Height of Hope
A 99 yr. Old woman going for 295/-recharge to get lifetime incoming.

Height of Stupidity
Looking through key hole of a glass door.

Height of Suicide Attempt
A dwarf jumps from the footpath on the road.

Height of friendship
It's when your friend runs away with your wife ....
And you are really worried for your friend !!

Height of Attitude
A Sleeping Beggar puts a Notice Board in front of Him..
Please Do not make noise by dropping coins!!
Use Currency notes.

Height Of Work Pressure
An Employee Opens His Tiffin Box On The Road Side To See,Whether He Is Going To office, Or Coming Back From office.