joke for Id - Jokes - PartyStuff

Jokes for joke: 7341

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#7341 | Coronavirus (कोरोना वाइरस)
After a Morning walk,
a Group of Doctors were standing at a road-side Restaurant enjoying a Cup of Tea..

They saw a Man limping towards them..

One Doctor said,
“ he has Arthritis in his Left Knee..'

The second said,
“ he has Plantar Faciitis..'

The third said,
“ just an Ankle Sprain..'

The fourth said,
@ see that Man cannot lift his Knee,
he looks to have Lower Motor Neurons..'

'But to me he seems a Hemiplegia Scissors Gait,'
said the fifth..

Before the sixth could proclaim his Diagnosis,
the Man reached the Group and asked,
'Is there a Cobbler nearby who can repair my Slipper.?'

*This is exactly how the Experts talk in Social Media & Television on 'covid-19' issue these days..!!*