Anti Rape Slogans List in Slogan - Lists - PartyStuff

Anti Rape Slogans | list

1Ask first
2Rape is wrong
3Say no to Rape
4Hang the rapist
5Rape is no Joke
6Rape isn’t cool
7We condemn rape
8Girls aren’t toy
9Only Cowards Rape
10Rape is not OKAY!
11Death for rapists!
12It wasn’t my fault
13Stop Rape, All Way
14Rape is never funny
15Real Men Don’t Rape
16Take rape seriously
17Ask, listen, respect
18No more rape culture
19Rape is a real crime
20Beware of nice uncles
21Don’t hide, speak out
22Stand up against rape
23Stop the war on women
24Silence hides violence
25Death for women abusers
26Kill rapists not Pandas
27No consent + Sex = Rape
28Fight back, kill rapists
29Rape is everyone’s issue
30My dress doesn’t mean YES
31Publicly hang the rapists
32Chop off their raping tool
33Join hands to Stop Rapists
34Listen when a girl says NO
35No mercy, Hang the rapists
36Stop RAPE NOW, no means no
37Teach men to respect women
38Punish rapists not victims!
39Enough is Enough – Stop Rape
40Every 90 minutes, a rape case
41My dress is not an invitation
42Punish rapists not protesters
43Screw calm & hang the rapists
44Sexual consent: Do you get it?
45Will trade racists for rapists
46Drinking is not a crime, Rape is
47Hang the rapist, we want justice
48No bail, we want hang till death
49We had sex before is not consent
50Blame rapists for rape, Not women
51My slutty dress does not mean yes
52Punish Rapists- Protect Survivors
53Rape is not sex, rape is violence
54There is no excuse to ignore RAPE
55Would you like it done to you too?
56Looking good is not a crime, Rape is
57Respect the Sex which gave you birth
58What part of NO don’t you understand?
59Breasted ladies shouldn’t get molested
60Sex or Rape? The difference is consent
61Shatter The Silence. Stop The Violence.
62No exceptions, no excuses– Stop Rape Now
63No bail or suspended sentence for rapists
64No doesn’t mean maybe or yes. It means No
65Rapists are terrorists, Death penalty a MUST
66Girls should be treated as human beings first
67Flirting is not consent, Silence is not consent
68Pornography is the fantasy, rape is the reality
69Pornography is the theory, rape is the practice
category: Slogan
type: Generic
format: Text
language: English
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code: li343
list may be used as reference for your requirement
this list is for reference only. do check for copyright. do check for accuracy. the list may not be accurate/correct, may not reflect latest data, may have typo errors. the validility may have changed over time, may not be useful anymore. the list items are not exhaustive.