Fashion Slogans List in Slogan - Lists - PartyStuff

Fashion Slogans | list

1Fit to win
2Look famous
3Like a virgin
4Stay beautiful
5Dress with style
6Glasses are sexy
7Normal is boring
8Be your own label
9Dress like a boss
10Classy since birth
11Fashion is freedom
12Fashion is my soul
13Feel sexy everyday
14I’m a fashion girl
15Fashion is my drug
16Do expect greatness
17Passion for fashion
18Perfectly imperfect
19The style you love!
20An ageless adventure
21As individual as you
22Buy now or cry later
23Buy less, choose well
24Fashion is my cocaine
25Delight in the details
26Different is beautiful
27A style for every story
28Awkward is my specialty
29Fashion never sleeps so
30Go forth & be fabulous!
31Keep calm & stay classy
32Dressing is a way of life
33Fashion is a style of life
34Pay less, stay in fashion!
35From Rejected to Respected
36FFF – Fashion, fun & friends
37I’m not weird, you’re simple
38Not just fashion, but design
39Fashion is my favorite F word
40Keep calm & wear cool glasses
41Smiles are always in fashion!
42The possibilities are endless
43Where tradition meets fashion
44You should always feel pretty
45Fashion is an instant language
46Life is a party, dress like it
47The best look anytime anywhere
48Only dead fish go with the flow
49Do it with fashion or not at all
50Dress like you’re already famous
51Fashion feeds me more than food!
52I don’t do fashion, I am fashion
53A classic never goes out of style
54Always wear what you want to wear
55Fashion & function with a purpose
56Fashion is nothing without people
57Dress how you want to be addressed
58Fashion has to reflect who you are
59I don’t dress up for anyone but me
60You decide who you are not society
61Shortest horror story ever, Sold Out
62Do well, live well & dress really well
63Life is short, make every outfit count
64Shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist
65Each day is a page in your fashion story
66Life is too short to wear boring clothes
67Forget the rules, if you like it, wear it
68Life isn’t perfect but your outfit can be
69Keep calm & surround yourself with fashion
70I could give up shopping, but I’m not a quitter
category: Slogan
type: Generic
format: Text
language: English
this page
code: li365
list may be used as reference for your requirement
this list is for reference only. do check for copyright. do check for accuracy. the list may not be accurate/correct, may not reflect latest data, may have typo errors. the validility may have changed over time, may not be useful anymore. the list items are not exhaustive.