Scrabble Pingu kukuba | kukuba pingu | Tambola Housie | Makar Sankranti Designs
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theme: Makar Sankranti, Tambola Housie, product type: kukuba pingu, product class: Scrabble Pingu kukuba

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Makar Sankranti Scrabble pingu kukuba | Printed list3160_1 Printed Tambola Housie
₹120 for 8 cards
get upto ₹30 off
Points based alphabet number pingu kukuba. Cells with Alphabet and a Number are present. Host calls out the number and Players strike out the number (if present on cards) and corresponding Alphabet. Player checks out Point associated with that alphabet (generally 1 to 5) and remember/write (if space is provided) and make a note of total points collected.

Dividends are based on points system. Collect point to win. When a number is called and player strike it out then she gets points based on number table. Collect points and claim prizes based on Dividend points decided. e.g. If a Dividend is say 13 points then when a player has exact 13 points then she can claim it.
Fun part is that sometimes player crosses a Dividend and doesn't have exact points so the Dividend is still open for others.
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