Sequence Chain Sync | Mind Games | Paper Games Designs
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Paper Games, product type: Mind Games, product class: Sequence Chain Sync

page 1 (of 1) | 2 items (of 2)
A game of synchronization where various items are present and have to be arranged in synchronization based on given rules.

Terms, items, images are present in a pair of 2. 2nd term has to be searched among other items from the given list as 1st term. Then 2nd term of this searched item has to be searched like above. Term names have to be written in correct sequence to win. e.g. 6 Terms are there as 5 items. A, B, C, D, E, F are terms. These are arranged as following items A-C, E-B, C-E, B-F, F-D. Now, A is followed by C, C is followed by E, E is followed by B and so on. So solution is: A-C-E-B-F-D
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