nakku kukuba | kukuba classic | Tambola Housie | Plain Designs
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theme: Plain, Tambola Housie, product type: kukuba classic, product class: nakku kukuba

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It is also called Kukuba Nakku. It has one of the number as blank (shown by __ ) such that a card has 14 numbers and 1 blank place holder. Player can use __ as a joker (i.e. nakku). When a number is called then it can be used as a joker if the called number belongs to the range of the column in which __ is present e.g. if __ is present in column 6 then joker number can be selected from 50 to 59 (column 1 is numbers from 1 to 9) and should not already be present in that column. These cards can also be used to play Duplicate Kukuba.
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