A Small Plant in Fairy Tales - Posts - PartyStuff

A Small Plant

Wed June 8, 2011 by Kunal Bansal
There was a big tree in the outskirts of a dense forest. It was so huge that it provided shelter to the animals, birds and the villagers from the hot sun. Many villagers used to sit below the tree to relax and have discussions on various issues. The place near the tree was always busy with activity. There grew a small plant at the base of the tree. Being a newly grown plant, it was delicate and tender and used to sway easily with a touch of breeze. The small plant and the tree were neighbors. One day the plant and the tree had a small chat with each other. The tree said, ?Little one, why don?t you fix your feet deep inside the ground and lift your head bold in the air. Do it as I have done. Being the strongest it has protected me from all the dangers.? The little plant replied, ?I don?t need to do that. I am much safer under your shadow.? The surprise tree replied saying, ?Safer! You think you are safer than me? You know how old I am. I am deep rooted and have a thick trunk. Who can pluck me out and uproot me out of this place? No one can cut me with a single blow. Look at you, you will be dead even if a small kid plucks you? The tree looked away in pride. One day, a powerful cyclone struck the forest. All the trees were uprooted. Most of the forest was completely destroyed. The giant tree was destroyed from its roots. After the storm had calmed down, the villagers started investigating the damage. Many of the strong and old trees had been struck down. The whole forest became littered with the leaves and trunks of the trees. However, the villagers found out that the small plant was still alive. During the cyclone the plant had bent down, but after it had calmed down, the plant stood straight again. The strong tree under which it had taken protection had died by the striking cyclone but the tiny and delicate tree managed to survive the impact of the storm.
category: Fairy Tales
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