Amoeba Tag in Party Games - Posts - PartyStuff

Amoeba Tag

Summary:Amoeba Tag involves linking hands.

Ages: Kids of all ages

Recommended Number of Players: The more the merrier is the motto of tag.

Equipment: No

Equipment necessary

Set Up: Establish a playing area with clear exterior boundaries.

Basic Definition of "IT": When discussing "IT" while playing most forms of tag, IT refers to the player who must do the chasing, tagging and/or catching.

Basic Definition of "Tag" or "Catch": When IT touches another player in the manner specified by the variation of the game, that player is then considered "Tagged" or "Caught" and must act in accordance with this variation of basic Tag.

How to Play: Two people are IT. Any person they catch joins the chain by linking hands. When another person is caught they can stay together or spilt 2 and 2, but they must split even numbers and can link together at will.

Winner: Game continues until nobody is left. For Adults Playing Tag with their Children: I read this great article entitled Play TAG with Your Kids: Tips to Ensure Positive Competitive Experiences from the "Ohio State University Extension - Fact Sheet." The article doesn't focus on the game of tag, but rather on to teach your child about competition. It gives great examples of questions you can ask your children after certain activities and then how to interpret their answers. It is a three page article and a fairly long read, but the final paragraph sums it up.

Let the Fun Begin In this game of TAG the parent is ?it,? trying to help their child learn and have fun. Target individual needs. You are the expert concerning your child?s unique needs. Ask and observe as a way of monitoring the activity. Good communication can prevent undue stress for your child. Most of all, give positive feedback. By targeting your child?s needs and learning how they perceive the activity, you will be better equipped to support them in the ways they need as individuals. So get busy playing TAG, and your child will get busy enjoying life through competition.
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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code: po218