Decorations For Biscuits Kitty Party in Theme Decoration

Decorations For Biscuits Kitty Party

Fri August 29, 2014 by Kunal Bansal
The great thing about a biscuit kitty party is that the biscuit bar setup is relatively easy — all you need is a long table and some platters, cake stands and jars. When it comes to display, there’s nothing more appealing than a mountain of golden brown, fluffy biscuits, so make your biscuit showcase the focal point of the table. Consider piling the biscuits into a picnic basket lined with a nice linen napkin, or a flared bowl with biscuits toppling out.

You’ll want to vary height with your plates and platters to create dimension on the table. Use cake stands, bowls, Lazy Susans, plates, and jars of varying sizes and heights. Don’t have heightened cake stands or platters? Stack a bowl on top of a cutting board or two, or flip a crate or cardboard box upside down, throw a linen over it and you’ve got yourself a platform!

Place your dips and spreads in a variety of containers including mason jars, bowls and other containers. The more you mix and match your vessels, the better! Think “country rustic” with your decor and plan for colors that pair well with biscuits, like pastels, blues and burlap.
Put fruit in bowls as centerpieces in accordance with the toppings you have; for example, if you have apple butter, display some apples. Use the same idea for grapes, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, etc. Guests can snack on fruit if they choose and if not, the fruit adds great color and texture to your table.
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