Decorations For Mother Kitty Party in Theme Decoration

Decorations For Mother Kitty Party

Sat March 25, 2017 by Kunal Bansal
Kitty Party decorations are a chance for you to really get creative and have fun. Try to make the decorations personal to your mom and her interests – if she loves gardening, plan to incorporate a lot of flowers into your décor. If you want to keep the decorations simple, plan for balloons, streamers and possibly a banner of some kind. If you’re holding the kitty party outside, make sure to decorate with things that won’t get blown around.

Your mother may appreciate decorations that show her how much you appreciate her as a mother. Photos are a big plus for a kitty party for your mother. Hang up photographs that showcase her role in the family. Go through old photo albums and find pictures from big vacations, milestones, and events in your family's history.

If you're tech-savvy, go through old movies and photographs you have on a computer. You can create a short movie to play in the background including photos and videos of your mother. Find decorations that speak to your mom's interests. For example, if your mom is an avid horseback rider, consider having little horse figurines lining the tables and having horse-themed tablecloths.
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