Decorations For Penguin Kitty Party in Theme Decoration

Decorations For Penguin Kitty Party

Fri September 15, 2017 by Kunal Bansal
Use black and white for everything, decorate in whites and blues to look like snow or combine the two. Make the front yard look like an iceberg by spray painting large cardboard boxes or hay bales white and stacking them around the front of the kitty party venue. Make penguin foot prints from orange or black paper and tape then to the path leading to the party venue ... or simply draw them on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk. Place cotton batting around the Penguin party area to look like snow drifts. Snowflakes can be bought or made and hung from the trees and taped to windows and the doors of the kitty party entrance. The party table can be made to look like it's covered in snow by using a white tablecloth and cotton batting for snow drifts. Or decorate in white and black to match the penguin colors. Place small silver dishes filled with sugar cubes (ice cubes!)

Decorate the kitty party with black and white streamers, balloons and partyware. Add a hint of color by accenting with a few orange balloons and streamers. Play a nature film about penguins at a low volume in the background. Cut out large penguin, seal, fish, and Eskimo shapes from construction paper or poster board, and place them around the kitty party area.
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code: po2537