Decorations For Queen Kitty Party in Theme Decoration

Decorations For Queen Kitty Party

Mon January 8, 2018 by Kunal Bansal
For a queen theme kitty party, recreate a medieval dining hall for an elegant and mature theme. Use a chair with arms for the king or queen, and set the entire table with goblets and metal plates. Place antique-style candelabras around the venue. Turn off all electric lights, and let candles light the room.

Use royal colors such as blue, yellow and red to decorate the room. If the party is an adult party, keep the decorations elegant. Instead of inexpensive paper streamers, use velvet bows in royal colors on walls and tied around flower bouquets. For a children's party, line the room with streamers in gold and blue.

Depending on the period you want to recreate, play music of the time. For example, Baroque composers, often invited to royal feasts, include Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frederic Handel and Antonio Vivaldi. For a medieval setting, play troubadour songs.
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