Dress Code For Alice Kitty Party
Cute rabbit costume dress will work best for the children and women can wear smart sexy one piece version.
1. Blue dress with short sleeves will work well and wear pinafore on it on the back. Purchase approns from the market and wear them.
2. Wear a petticoat under your dress for a perfect outfit.
3. You can wear a wig if your hair are short or you can make your hair die.
4. For Alice theme you can carry a bow in hair with blue, black or white in color.
5. Wear white or black-and-white striped tights, and striped arm warmers
6. Wear a pair of black Mary-Jane shoes. You can create them yourself by buying cheap black ballerina shoes and attaching a black ribbon or elastic band across the top
code: po1309
bookmark: https://partystuff.in/posts/dress-code-for-alice-kitty-party