Dress Code For Rakhi Theme Kitty Party in Theme Dress Code

Dress Code For Rakhi Theme Kitty Party

Tue January 30, 2018 by Kunal Bansal
Dhotis are no more a man’s outfit only. Women are taking over almost everything men possess even if it is their national attire. And why not, if it’s making them look so good. Dhoti pants and dhoti palazzo is what you need and team it up with not an ordinary but a slit kurta and you’re ready to rock.

Accessorizing your attire should ideally become your mantra as this is literally your rescuer when it comes to carrying your outfits. Accessories can make you look slimmer, taller, shorter, etc. and even ethnic if required. Accessorize your plain kurta with the antique, traditional or junk jewelry along with a bindi and, your outfit is complete.
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code: po2674