Dress Code For Retro Kitty Party in Theme Dress Code

Dress Code For Retro Kitty Party

Thu March 29, 2018 by Kunal Bansal
Tie die shirts are a must! Thrown in some bell button pants. Here's a simple way to make them. Take an old pair of jeans or pick up a pair at a local thrift store such as Good Will or Salvation Army.

Cut a slit in the bottom of both pant legs and sew in a piece of fabric. Something with flowers would work quite well to keep with the flower power mentality of the era. Now, you have bell button pants!

Long flowing skirts can work for girls if they prefer not to wear pants. Sandals and boots were common as were suede, fringed vests.

For accessories, add a headband and some love beads or a peace sign necklace. You can also put flowers in your hair. Now, you're all set! Remember, hair was long then, so you may want to add a wig.
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code: po2732