Duck Duck Goose in Party Games - Posts - PartyStuff

Duck Duck Goose

Summary: Duck Duck Goose is the classic game of chase. Ages: From 3 to 7

Recommended Number of Players: Between 6 and 30

Equipment: No

Equipment necessary

Set Up: No prior set-up required

How to Play: Players sit in a circle on the floor with one player selected as leader. The leader walks around the outside of the circle saying ?duck? as they lightly touch each player on the head. Eventually the leader taps one player and calls out ?Goose.? The leader must then begin running around the outside of the circle and the "Goose" must give chase to tag the leader before they get back to the empty spot. If the "Goose" does not tag the leader, they become the new leader, but if the leader is tagged, they remain the leader.

Winner: Non-competitive
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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code: po156