Eco-Friendly Kitty Party Decorations in Theme Decoration

Eco-Friendly Kitty Party Decorations

Tue May 7, 2013 by Kunal Bansal
Use Eco- friendly decorations for this theme kitty party. You don't need to go to market as everything can be easily available from your home. Use fresh flowers and leaves to decorate the walls. Make string of leaves and hang them from the ceilings. Use green color carpet on the entrance. Light up simple white candles everywhere in the kitty party room. consider using decorations that can be reused (like a fabric kitty party banner, for example) rather than one-time use decorations. Skip the helium balloons in favor of large tissue paper pom-poms. Cover the furniture with green cloth and place green mats on the buffet table. Use Eco-friendly plates and utensils made of environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials. Make a big banner with lines Go Green And Save The Earth.

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