Exiled in Party Games - Posts - PartyStuff


Summary: An Ice Breaker Game where teams have to decide what to take if they were exiled to an uninhabited tropical island Ages: From 16 and up

Recommended Number of Players/Teams: 9 or more players 3 or more teams

Equipment: Pen and paper for each player

Set Up: No prior set-up required

How to Play: Tell the group that each of them has been exiled to an uninhabited tropical island. There is potable water to drink and plenty of naturally growing fruit. They are leaving now with the clothes on their back and they each get to take ONE item with them. Everyone must then write down the one item that they would take from civilization to help them survive. After a few minutes, have each player share what they would take, why they chose it and how they plan to use it for survival. Then let the players mingle amongst themselves and create teams of three based on what items each person brought. The team of three now gets to brainstorm how their combined items would make the chance of survival even greater. After each team has a chance to describe their creative ways and uses of the combined items to the whole group, the host acts as judge for the group with the best use of items and largest chance of longevity on the island. The judge could alternately chose to judge the teams on who would be the most comfortable.

Winner: Decided by the host of the party based on either longevity or comfort while on the island.
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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code: po153