Graveyard Scavenger Hunt in Party Games - Posts - PartyStuff

Graveyard Scavenger Hunt

Summary: Graveyard Scavenger Hunt is a game played in a graveyard where your team tries to take pictures of all the items on the scavenger hunt list. Ages: From 14 to Adult

Recommended Number of Players/Teams: Best played with 5 to 6 players on a team, at least two teams

Equipment: List of items to find A camera

Set Up: No prior set-up required

How to Play: Start at the entrance to a graveyard. Give the teams a time limit and send them out into the graveyard. They must photograph everything they can find on the list. You may want to to over some basic graveyard ettiquette before the teams begin. ? Do not disturb anyone visiting someone's grave. ? Do not remove or move any flowers placed on someone's grave. ? No grave rubbings, as this can damage the markers and prevent future visitors from reading them. Grave rubbing is done when someone lays a piece of paper over the lettering and rubs with a pencil, crayon, etc. Scoring: Each photo is worth one point for everything in the first three sections of the Graveyard Scavenger Hunt list. The last section of the list is a competition to earn the point. One point for only the team with the "most correct" answer. There can be a tie between teams where each team is awarded the point for the same "best" answer. The first team to come back to the starting line gets 5 extra points. For each minute late that a team arrives back to the start, one point is deducted from their total score.

Winner: The team that has collected the most points wins.
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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code: po143