Halloween Kitty Party Invitation in Theme Invite

Halloween Kitty Party Invitation

Fri May 3, 2013 by Kunal Bansal
Send horrible invitations for your Halloween theme kitty party. Halloween theme is the perfect excuse for wearing horrible and scary costume. Cut an orange construction paper into a shape of pumpkin and paste it on the black color scrap sheet. Fold the scrap paper to make it look like a card. Write the kitty party invitation inside it and send it your guests. Use whatsapp to send invitations with the help of emojis of pumpkin, ghosts and drinks. You can use the following lines in your invitation.

Gremlins and Goblins and Witches on brooms

You are invited to party under the moon!

It’s the Halloween theme kitty party that’ll be such a fright,

Dancing and eating and music all night!

You are invited to spook-tacular haunt on 19th April at Royal Club House. Do come in some ghostly dress.
category: Theme Invite
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code: po941